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Leaving Cert results helpdesk: Our experts answer your questions

Welcome to the 2024 Irish Times Leaving Cert results and CAO helpdesk. The helpdesk, staffed by guidance counsellors Deirdre Garrett and Brian Howard will reopen on Wednesday afternoon to answer queries from students and their parents about their results, or about CAO offers.
The helpdesk will be open at the following times over the coming days:
Q: Hello, my Son applied for Geography (TR332) at Trinity College. His points are above last year’s stated entry points (marginally), but the selection with Sociology raises the entry to beyond the points he has achieved. It’s not very clear, given that it’s a joint honours course.
A: Points for joint honours Geography and Sociology in 2022 were 474. This dropped to 408 in 2023. Please see this link.
Q: Hello, my friend’s son has 499 for LC and applied for Music in TCD. His Music is H2, will this course requires extra music performance result apart from LC exams? Yuxin
A: No extra music performance needed for entry on this course. Please see minimum entry requirements here.
Q: Hi, my daughter was approved for DARE. She got 419 points so now qualifies for tu922 and tu907 which are her 9th and 10th choices on the CAO level 8 list. My question is will she definitely get an offer for tu922 or tu907? She has the points but is it possible she gets a DARE offer for her 4th choice which was DC230 (440 points)? Mary
A: CAO will offer the highest preference course that your daughter meets minimum entry requirements and points for (albeit reduced points due to a successful DARE). This information will only be released at 2pm next Wednesday. Deirdre
Q: What are the highest points one can attain?
A: Highest points gained from six best subjects is 625. This includes bonus points for higher level Maths grade H6 or above. Higher points are gotten when combining leaving cert score with e.g. HPAT result, portfolio marks etc
Q: Our son was very disappointed with his results. He got 400+ points but was aiming for almost 500 in order to get Primary School Teaching in DCU. He made very little improvement in his results from his mocks despite putting in a lot of work from the time of his mocks to June. Unfortunately he was so focused on getting the points for teaching he has left himself with very little options on his CAO. He didn’t put Arts down which he could have done with a view to trying to go the Hibernia route after completing the degree. We are considering all options like repeating or PLC. Any suggestions for reaching a goal of Primary School Teaching should he just repeat with complete focus in getting the required points second time round? June
A: A breakdown of marks will be available on Tuesday August 27th. You can apply to view scripts . You can appeal. Your son can also do another level of 8 that he is interested in. One can then do a masters in Primary Education ( this is a two-year programme). Deirdre
Q: How do I access information on the number of PLC applicants to a course versus the number accepted? Rosie
A: You could look at the college website. For exampe, this link will provide you with information about the courses available at UCD.
Q: My son got 530 points and wants to do law plus at University of limerick which was 506 points. What are his chances of getting it? Marie
A: I would be very positive. CAO will make him an offer of the highest preference course in which he meets cut off points and minimum entry requirements. The very best of luck.
Q: Primary teaching Maynooth was 498 points in 2023. I have read that applications are up 52pc. Is there a possibility that 506 points will not secure me a place on this course? Ciaraa
A: I would remain confident. I was not aware of those statistics. CAO statistics post change of mind indicated a slight decrease for first perference courses in the education sector. Stay hopeful. CAO will release this data at 2pm on Wednesday. Deirdre
Q: My daughter got 543 and her choice is BES – if she doesn’t get accepted can she take another course and transfer to BES next year? Are there other options? Padraig
A: You would need to contact Admissions Office Trinity. Each HEI has their own rules and procedures regarding internal transfers. I would imagine that course modules would want to be very similar to support a transfer.
Q: My daughter has applied for a UK course and requires 120 tariff points do we count all 7 subjects? She received 6 honors at higher level ( H2/H3/ and 4 x H4 and1 O2 at ordinary level. Brian
A: You can only count your best six subjects. The best of luck.
Q: Do we get another certificate apart from the provisional results cert? Sophie
A: The State Examinations send a cert to your school. Please contact your school if you require this. Certs will not arrive at your school for another few months.
Q: I have DARE approval so how will I know if that has helped me get my course? Robert
A: You will get a DARE place if you get a CAO offer for a course in which you didn’t meet the cut off points. It means that you have gotten into the course on a reduced points basis. The best of luck. Deirdre
Q: If the course you are going for is 498 points and you got 488 is there a chance you could get offered this course in the first round if the course interest has recuced? Ciara.
A: Points fall when demand falls. CAO will release cut off points at 2 pm on Wednesday. Nobody will know for definite until then.
Q: I didn’t get enough points for any the courses that were put down in my CAO. How would I be able to get into a course in a college that wasn’t on my CAO?
A: The available place facility is an option. This opens on the CAO website at noon on August 29th. Please see this link for more information. Would you consider looking at PLC courses in a College of Further Education. This can offer an alternative way into CAO courses. Deirdre
Q: With 727 points is there any hope of getting a place in Medicine in any of the universities?
A: Yes there is a chance. It is a popular course but grade inflation hasn’t increased from last year. If you aren’t successful you could look at doing HPAT 2025 and add that score to your Leaving Cert 2024. You would have to make a CAO 2025 application. Stay hopeful. Deirdre
Q: My 1st choice is Mh404, Maynooth Business/Marketing, is was 401 points last year, i got 388 points in my leaving, do you know ehat the points are going to be this year?
A: I don’t. This will not be known until Wednesday at 2 pm when CAO release the cut off points for 2024. Many students use MH101 as a back up to this course. MH101 tends to be lower points. You might look at your CAO list and see if MH101 is on it. Deirdre
Q: When and where can we see the actual percentages received in each subject?
A: This can be found on your Candidate Self Portal at noon on Tuesday, August 27th. Best of luck. Deirdre
Q: My son plans to request to review one of his papers on Tuesday. Having done this, on what bases should he decide whether to appeal? For example, should he only appeal if the mark he has received is very close to the next grade level? Should he ask his teacher to review the paper with him? How does he build a case for a higher grade if he believes there is one?
A: I would recommend that he ask his teacher to assist with the viewing of the script. Both him and his teacher can check that marks have been calculated correctly. His teacher will help with viewing the content and they together should be able to make a more informed decision regarding appeal. Deirdre
Q: PE teaching last year at UL was 543, will points drop on Wed?
A: This is a very popular course. It will depend on this years demand for that course and the points achieved by interested candidates. I don’t have that information. I am afraid that we will have to wait until CAO release 2024 cut off points at 2 pm on Wednesday. Deirdre
Q: If in 2023, the points for a course were 556. The CAO has published this year that is an 18% increase in first preference choice for the course. What number of points should we now expect that course to require? Many thanks.
A: No way of knowing until CAO release cut off ponts next Wednesday. My thoughts were that the interest in Business courses only rose by 1%. The best of luck. We hope that it works out for you. Deirdre
Q: Do you know with the additional 30 places added to primary teaching in Marino, if this will have an affect on the points or if the demand went up or down this year?
A: Statistics show that the interest for Education courses has fallen ever so slightly. If demand remained the same but supply rose it would or should indicate that points will remain the same or drop slightly. This will not be know for certain until CAO release course cut off points on Wednesday at 2 pm. Deirdre
Q: If I want to defer my course for one year, who do I contact and how do I show my deferral on the CAO first round offer? Also, can I apply through CAO again next year for a different course? And how would this affect my deferral?
A: Please read page 32/35 of the CAO handbook. It clearly states how to defer. It also states the procedure to retain your deferral in 2025 application. Get back on if you need more assistance. Deirdre
Q: I am a DARE applicant with 465 points and hoping it might be possible to be offered the undenominated engineering course in UL, which was 476 points last year – is there a chance this could happen? I don’t want to be over confident or get my hopes raised too much.
A: I would remain confident, It will depend on the number of reserved DARE places on this course and the points achieved by interested DARE applicants. Definitely stay positive. This cannot be known for certain until Wednesday at 2 pm. the very best of luck. Deirdre
Q: If I appeal some of my exam paper results and receive an upgrade, will this be taken into account by the CAO in further round offers? Might I get offered a higher optioned course if I now achieve the required points?
A: CAO will offer all successful appeal candidates the highest course on their list that they now (late Sept) meet the cut off and minimum requirements for. Result of appeals are out Sept 27th. CAO will be making offers if places are still available on courses or offering you a deferred offer for Sept 2025 ( in the case where courses are full for academic year 2024/25).
Q: Hi, I got 533 points in total this yearly and hoping to do architecture in UL (LM099), it says on the site that some people who reached the cutoff didn’t receive an offer, am I ok?
A: I would remain confident. Cut off points last year were 511. This did not come down to random selection. Hence all candidates who received 511 points and satisfied minimum entry requirements got offered a place on this course.
Q: When are the results of appeals scheduled for? Trish
A: 11 am on September 27th. One will access them through their self portal.
Q: My daughter got 308 points and wants to take mental health nursing. She met the general entry requirements at DCU. What are her options? Nilet
A: If the points for that course don’t drop then your daughter won’t get an offer on that course. Your daughter could do a PLC course. She could use teh results from her PLC as an alternative pathway into this course. This course reserve a certain number of places for QQI applicants ( students who have completed a PLC). You must ensure that your daughter does a PLC course code that is compatible for entry into Mental Health Nursing at DCU. Deirdre
Q: My daughter got 625 and doesnt have chemistry as a subject.  She put down dentistry as her first choice will she automatically get her 2nd choice physiotherapy in U.L. as chemistry is not required? Brid
A: CAO will make you an offer of your highest preference course in which you meet the cut off points and minimum entry requirement for. Your daughter will not get her first choice if Chemistry is a subject requirement. Another option for your daughter would be to take Chemistry on for Leaving Cert 2025. She could use her 2024 CAO and use her result in Chemistry 2025 to satisfy minimum entry requirements. She would have to make a CAO application for 2025. It is important that she chooses the course that she is most interested in. An early exit from a course can have financial implications if taking up a different course at a later stage. I would advise that you look at course modules on the Dentistry and Physio course. Speak to the college if possilbe. Get back on if you need more support. Deirdre
Q: If I get offered my CAO second choice because it is lower points than my 3rd choice, what happens if I have the points for my 3rd choice too? Do I not accept my 2nd choice and wait for 2nd round to get my 3rd choice? Hannah
A: The first thing the CAO will do is work out which of your 10 choices you are entitled to a place on, based entirely on your points. When it has worked out which of your courses you are entitled to a place on, they will then offer you a place on the highest one on your list. Once you are offered that choice then everything below that choice is deleted from your list. So you can never move down your list only up. So if offered your 3rd choice, they only other courses that stay alive in your application are your 2nd and 1st choices.
Q: If I get offered my CAO second choice because it is lower points than my 3rd choice, what happens if I have the points for my 3rd choice too? Do I not accept my 2nd choice and wait for 2nd round to get my 3rd choice?
A: The first thing the CAO will do is work out which of your 10 choices you are entitled to a place on, based entirely on your points. When it has worked out which of your courses you are entitled to a place on, they will then offer you a place on the highest one on your list. Once you are offered that choice then everything below that choice is deleted from your list. So you can never move down your list only up. So if offered your 3rd choice, they only other courses that stay alive in your application are your 2nd and 1st choices.
Q: My son has a combined score of 731 for Medicine in University of Galway which was 729 last year – is he likely to get an offer?
A: Really hard to know for sure. Based on the stats issued by CAO earlier this summer after the July 1st deadline, the overall numbers of applicants for the medicine area dropped from 14,378 in 2023 to 13,829, a 4% drop. This could be an indicator that points will hold or maybe drop somewhat, but the effect on a particular college is hard to call. Deirdre
Q: Do you think the CAO points for either law at DCU or Maynooth will go up? Joshua
A: The number of applicants expressing an interest in Law related courses has increased ever so slightly in 2024. This increase shouldn’t effect points. Unknown factors such as points achieved by other interested candidates means that I cannot perdict. Nobody will know until 2pm on Wednesday when CAO release offers and cut off points are published. Deirdre.
Q: My daughter is hopeful of being offered a place for medicine through DARE. Does the order she put the colleges down on her CAO for medicine affect her chances of getting a place for a particular college?
A: No. She will be evaluated purely based on her points for each course on her list (including any reduction in points for the DARE scheme) and deemed elligible or not for each course. Then she will be offered the highest course on her list that she is entiltled to a place on.
Q: Please explain how I view marks on Tuesday and what the format will be. Then, how the online paper viewing works on Saturday if I apply to view them on Tuesday. Do I have to go into school either day to see the marking on Tuesday or the scripts on Saturday or will it all be online? Shirley
A: Yes you can. Applications to view your scripts is from the Student Self Service Portal where you recieved your results. Application to view your scripts will open on Tuesday 27th August at 5pm and closes the following day at 8pm. This is a very tight window to apply to view your scripts and late applications will not be accepted. You are right to view your scripts to decide whether to appeal or not. Deirdre.
Q: My Son will be offered a degree course but not sure if to do a plc course before committing to a degree when will he know if he is successful for the PLC course?
A: All Further Education courses have different time frames. I would advise you to contact the specific Further Ed college directly.
Q: Are the CAO points for medicine Galway likely to go up or down?
A: Really hard to know for sure. Based on the stats issued by CAO earlier this summer after the July 1st deadline, the overall numbers of applicants for the medicine area dropped from 14,378 in 2023 to 13,829, a 4% drop. This could be an indicator that points will hold or maybe drop somewhat, but the effect on a particular college is hard to call.
Q: My son achieved 433 points and the course he wants Economics and Communications was 444 in 2023. Is he in with a chance based on previous year decreases for this course?
A: DN700 in UCD has been fairly high in points for the past 2 years, up to 475. In 2020 it was 421. Will it drop to 433 this year is a difficult question to ask. The overall numbers applying for courses in the social science area have not changed dramatically from last year to this year so one might conclude the points for course will be broadly similar to last years, but how individual courses fair out is hard to predict. Will it drop again this year by another 11 is really hard to know for sure. There is a chance but I fear only a slim one.
Q: There are two subjects which I was sure I would get a h1 but instead I got h2′s. I’m afraid I won’t get my first CAO choice unless and until I successfully appeal. But the appeal results are at the end of September (the 28th), most universities start during the middle of September? Sam
A: Your CAO application will proceed with your results as they are at the moment and you will have to make decisions based on what you are offered with these results. If you appeal subjects, yes the results of the appeals will not be released until 27th September at 11am. If you are upgraded and your points increase, these increased points will be backdated to round one offers. Whatever you would have been offered in round one with those points must either be offered to you at that point or if they cannot offer you a place then, they must make you a defered offer for the following year. If you are offered a place, you can transfer over from any other course you may have started. Brian
Q: If the final points offered to a course in 2022 is 532 and then in 2023 that’s the points for the course however in 2023 the final points offered to a course is 548 is it likely that will be the starting point for the course in 2024. Liz
A: It’s too hard to call it. 2024 cut off points depends on a number of factors e.g. supply of places, demand for that course, points attained by competing applicants. It seems that this course maybe growing in popularity (given the increase in points from 2022-23). Location can influence points also. CAO will be releasing 2024 cut off points at 2 pm on Wednesday. Nobody will know for certain until then. The best of luck. Deirdre
Q: My daughter sat IB this year and got a score of 41 points. Her first choice is Geography and Political Science at TCD (TR328). Do you think that will be enough for her to get a place?
A: The Leaving Certificate points for the combination of Geography and Political Science for 2023 were 530 in TCD. A score of 41 in the International Baccalaureate is equivalent to 565 according to the applicant scoring section of the CAO, so if this is the case it looks like the 41 IB points should be sufficient, all other entry requirements having being met.
Q: If someone appeals a result and gets a lower grade do they get the original or the appealed mark? Johnny
A: If you get a downgrade in the appeals process, this new grade will be recorded on your final Leaving Certificate issued later on. The results of appeal results don’t arrive until the end of September. If you are applying to the CAO for a college place, they will work with your pre appeal results to issue offers of places to you.
Q: If my son accepts Sustainability With Business and Economics in UCD could he transfer to Commerce after first year if he scored well (commerce is his first choice on CAO but he is a couple of points short based on last year. What is the process for transferring courses within a college?
A: The transfer system within colleges varies enormously and depends on a number of factors, e.g. is there space in the desired course, is there sufficient overlap in content between the two courses available, is there competition for any places that may be available, how are suitable candidates ranked for these places, etc. My advice is to contact UCD, maybe start with the admissions office or the Quinn school of Business and seek their guidance on what is the procedure for Commerce transfers internally.
Q: I have seen a reference to an API form that can be used to make notes when viewing your script. This form can then be included if you decide to appeal. Is this form available online?
A: The API form is used if you wish to bring some issue to the attention of appeal process. For scripts viewed digitally, you will have the opportunity as part of the online appeal application to complete a Candidate Observation Report Form (API), one for each subject. For scripts viewed in school, you will be provided with an API by the school in which to record any matter that you want brought to the attention of the SEC’s examiners. Brian
Q: My daughter got 532 points but her course is 555 in biomed at UCD is it unlikely she will be offered the course in any of the rounds.
A: Given the points history over the past few years it is probably unlikely that the points for Science will drop to 532 this year. 555 is one of the lowest cut off points for this course over the last 3/4 years so dropping to 532 is probably a very long shot.
Q: Hi there. My son who has just started in 6th year was watching the coverage of the results this week. He wants to go to college but has no idea what he would like to study. He’s worried that he won’t find a course that he likes. How should he (and we, his parents) go about finding out what area would be the best fit for him? Mario
A: You could start with the subjects that he enjoys at school, what area within these subjects does he like and why? His plans for post leaving cert. He could make an appointment with his school guidance counsellor. Attending open days in collges of interest would be key. Work experience is another way of gathering more information to help aid a more informed decision regarding your interests. Getting to know your interests, values and aptitudes is essential when making a decision for post primary.
Q: Hello, does grade H5 in English meet entry requirements for Trinity College? Tom
A: Majority of courses at Trinity have a minimum of O6/H7. Please send me the course or course code and I can confirm. Deirdre
Q: I got 346 points and want to do architecture. What are my best options?
A: You could look into doing a PLC and use this as a pathway into a Level 8 in Architecture. Not all level 8 courses accept PLC applicants. Please do research this before you commit. Could you look at courses with some similar content e.g. courses under the Construction industry e.g. Architectual Technology, Civil Engineering etc. Please get back on if you would like more support.
Q: If I do appeal, would the examiner able to bring down my result? Angela
A: That is possible albeit less likely. 23% of appeals in 2023 were deemed successful appeals.
Q: Can I look at my leaving Cert marks to see if it is worth appealing a subject if vv close to next grade up? Beryl
A: Yes you can. Applications to view your scripts is from the Student Self Service Portal where you recieved your results. Application to view your scripts will open on Tuesday 27th August at 5pm and closes the following day at 8pm. This is a very tight window to apply to view your scripts and late applications will not be accepted. You are right to view your scripts to decide whether to appeal or not. Deirdre
Q: What is the process of being able to see your scripts online ? Do I have to apply ? And where how . I thought I could view one script and then decide whether worth appealing. Cathal
A: Application for viewing of scripts will open up on your CSSP from 5 pm on Tuesday until 8 pm on Wednesday, August 28th. Log on and apply via your Candidate Self portal. Deirdre
Q: When do incoming first years start University? Is it directly after orientation which is the first week of September in many places? Aodhan
A: College starting dates vary. It should be after orientation week. Successful applicants should receive a welcome pack/info a few days after they accept their offer. Here is an example of UCD calendar.
Q: What do you do if you get offered a course that you’ve decided you don’t want any more. If you don’t accept that choice, will you be left with no course? Maeve.
A: If you don’t accept what you have been offered in round one you could be left with no other offers. If what you have been offered is your 1st preference and you don’t accept it then you will definitely not receive any more offers on that list. If the course you were offered was for example your 4th preference and you do not accept it, then it and all courses below this on your list will be gone. The system will continue to try to get you into one of your higher preferences, i.e. your 1st, 2nd or 3rd preference courses. If you become entitled to one of these courses you will be offered the place, but is you do not become entitled to one of these courses no other offer will be made. Remember you have 2 lists, so if you don’t get an offer on one list you may get an offer on the other. Deirdre
Q: Your article says the CAO publishes statistics in July showing the demand for particular disciplines. Can’t seem to find this on the CAO Website. Vernon
A: Click on this link and go to data sheets. Choose 2024. You will see the table of content on the bottom of the spreadsheet. Choose table 3. Here you will find the statistics from after change of mind date. I hope that this helps. Deirdre
Q: What date are the appeals result given to students? Trish
A: The appeal results will be available at 11am on Friday 27th September.
Q: What can be done about the widespread misunderstanding of how points work? Lots of people wanting to change first preference because of having higher points than expected but that’s never been the correct way of filling out the CAO form. Pete
A: All students are advised to fill out their CAO in order of preference. Listing your dream courses should be top of the list regardless of points. Deirdre
Q: Reading IT coverage yesterday while also listening to RTE News there was a clear discrepancy about when the grade inflation will be wound down. IT cited Leaving 25 while the news bulletins announced 26. This is really important and needs clarification for this years LC class of 24/25?
A: The wind down commences from next year for the LC class of 2025. According to the Minister the rate of grade inflation will drop from 7.5 to 5.5% for the group who are currently commencing 6th year. The trajectory of the wind down after that has not been laid out yet definitively, but the glide will take place over a few years until the inflation is no more. Brian
Q: If you appeal some results and are subsequently upgraded will you be offered a place in 2024 or 2025? Eoin
A: You will be offered a place if places on course are still available. If the course is full you will be offered a deferred place for Sept 2025. The college will do their best to accommodate you. You may have both choices to choose from. Result of appeals are out on September 27th. Best of luck. Deirdre
Q: What bonus does student get for doing exam through the Irish language? Joe
A: Full details of the bonus marks for Irish system are here.
Q: If you receive an offer from the cao and decide not too accept, will you be offered a second place up or down your choice list? Michael
A: If you receive an offer of for example your 4th preference, but you do not accept it, then it and all courses below this onl your list will be gone. The system will continue to try to get you into one of your higher preferences, i.e. your 1st, 2nd or 3rd preference courses. If you become entitled to one of these courses you will be offered the place.
Q: If I get upgraded following appeal/recheck and am offered B Comm UCD (which I’m slightly short for) and I get offered it but it’s full for this year 2024 my questions are: 1) can I do the first year in the course I was offered and start BComm 2025? 2) I pay extra €8k tuition for BComm in first year – is it only in first year the extra tuition charge applies or for all years of the BComm course? 3) Do I automatically have the BComm for 2025? I see you mentioned somewhere in a previous answer that you have to apply through the CAO again so is it a completely new CAO application for 2025? I don’t understand why I’d have to apply to CAO again if I’ve been offered the BComm place for 2025 and had to defer it due to lack of places following appeal. Aisling
A: 1) Yes you can, 2) you may be asked by UCD to pay the full economic cost of your first year in Commerce because you have used up your “free” fees for a first year already. This will only be for 1st year. After this you will go back into the free fees system. 3) If they cannot give you a place this year they must offer you a deferred place for next year (meaning you have a definite place on hold for you). To take up this place you must apply for it again through the CAO. This is the only way the system can allocate the place to you, but you are not in open competition for the place again. Brian
Q: I got 327 points and hoping to do arts in ucc. It was 300 last year but I’m worried that it will go up because of the grade inflation. What do you think? Katie
A: I don’t think you have to worry about grade inflation pushing the points up above what they were last year, as the same grade inflation took place last year and led to those points (300). I think you are safe enough with 327 unless something drastic happens which is unlikely. Brian
Q: I got 488 points and looking to do ah science and biology teaching in UL. It was 498 last year. What are my chances of the points dropping in this area. Emma
A: Looking at the points over the last few years for this course, 498 has been the lowest. In fact for the past 3 years the points have been up above 500, up to 521. Based on this it seems unlikely that the points will drop to 488. Of course we won’t know for sure until Wednesday but it does seem unlikely.
Q: If my results are upgraded on appeal, and I now meet the points requirement for Medicine, but I was not included in the random selection (which some colleges have to use for Medicine), what happens then? I will have missed out on the lottery that occurs when a course has more applicants that meet the points criteria than there are places. Lynn
A: Really good question and there is a very good logical answer to this question. Go to this link and you will see how the system caters for this situation. It basically boils down to the fact that you get your random number at the start of the whole process rather than names being pulled out of a hat at the offer stage. Have a read here and it will become clear. A worked example is also given. Brian
Q: My son achieved 601 points & wants veterinary med in UCD. It was 589 last year. Are we ok? Tara
A: For the past four years the points for Veterinary Medicine have climbed to a maximum of 601 for 2 years and 589 for 2 years. Based on this you would hope that your son will be ok on 601, unless there is a complete surge in applications which does not look to be the case. Fingers crossed. Brian
Q: My son got 430 points but all his listed college places on his list were for 450 and above where does this leave him? Maggie
A: So if the points for those listed courses don’t drop from last year, unfortunately it looks like your son will not be elligible and made an offer for any of his courses. I am assuming you are talking about his level 8 list. Did he have courses on his level 6/7 list? He may receive an offer from one of these. Remember many level 6/7 courses have add on level 8 honours degree qualifications, so he should look carefully at these if he has been offered one. Brian
Q: I achieved 543 points could I still be able to get an offer for pharmacy at RCSI. Sedra
A: I would be surprised if this popular course dropped by that much. You could research other routes into Pharmacy such as graduate pharmacy courses? Applying to UCAS etc. Deirdre
Q: My daughter is thinking of appealing 1 or 2 of her papers once she has them viewed. I just want to double-check if her grade could stay same, go up if successful, but also go down if that true? Ide
A: Yes that is correct. The percentage of upgrades far exceeds the downgrades. Viewing your exact marks on Tuesday, August 27th will help you make a more informed decision as to whether an appeal may be worthwhile. Deirdre.
Q: After I accept an offer and go on to study the first year of my undergraduate Level 8 course, can I apply for CAO in 2025 with the 2024 LC points and a fresh 2025 HPAT score? what are the pros and cons in this scenario? Molly
A: You can apply for medicine via CAO in 2025 using your leaving cert points 2024 plus HPAT scoring in 2025. If you do a first year in another level 8 this year, swapping over to do first year medicine in Sept 2025 will have a financial cost of approx €8,000. You should speak with the fees office of the colleges of interest and get your figures before you make a decision. The very best of luck. You should look into graduate medicine routes and options as well. Deirdre
Q: How many subjects can be used to calculate UCAS points? Is it your top 6 or can you use 7?
A: Your top 6 subjects. The best of luck.
Q: How many points is required to study medicine?
A: In order for school leavers to be eligible for undergraduate medicine, they must achieve a minimum of 480 points, meet the course entry requirements and complete the required HPAT in year of entry. Please view this link for more details on scoring for medicine via the CAO.
Q: I have received 443 points in Leaving Cert. Could I qualify for a level 8 degree in Science?
A: Yes it is possible. How your filled out your CAO order of preference will be the deciding factor on making this possible.
Q: I have BESS (TR081) as my 1st choice on CAO. The highest the points for the course has ever been is 566 and I got 567 in my results. Do I have a good chance of getting into this course? Reece
A: I would be confident. Cut off points depend on demand for course, points achieved by interested candidates and supply of places. Cut off points will not be know until 2 pm on Wednesday. My advice to you would be to enjoy the success and stay positive. Deirdre
Q: I’m 15 points short for business course in DCU what will happen? Ella
A: You will get your highest preference course on your CAO list in which you meet the cut off points and minimum entry requirements. All courses that lie below Wednesday off (on your CAO order of preference) will become obsolete. You may be offered courses that lie above Wednesdays offer in future rounds. Deirdre
Q: We’re an Irish family living in Portugal. Our son graduated from a Portuguese school and applied to Irish Universities via CAO. His points are calculated using an equivalency. I see that the “Exam results artificially increased by average of 7.5% this year” which seems to bias Irish students over other EU students who don’t receive the same “artificial inflation”. Is there anything we can do about this? How is this grade inflation even legal from an EU-wide admissions perspective? John
A: This is a big question John, which is beyond the scope of this helpline. It is a very valid point but I don’t think you have many avenues to go with it. Other countries also inflated grades due to Covid and are winding this down now also. Maybe an email into the SEC or Department of Education is something to consider, if nothing else but to highlight the issue from your perspective. Brian.
Q: I went through the Leaving Cert last year. How will my points from last year compare to this year? Max
A: I don’t expect to see a huge change in points. This is mainly due to the fact that point inflation has remained at around 7.5% for the last three years.
Q: When you apply to review your scripts, how do you know which ones you need to go to the school to view and which ones you download? Also, for the scripts that will also have a project/aural/oral element how do you view those marks? Thanks! Aisling
A: Candidiates will get access to their marks for each subject including each component- written papers, orals, practicals etc. This should leave you better informed regarding your need or want to view scripts before deciding on an appeal. Online viewing commences at 9 am on Saturday August 31st to 9am on Sunday, September 1st. Geography, German, Ag Science, Classical Studies, LCVP, PE, Business, Economics, Home Ec and Technology scripts can be viewed online. All other subject scripts can be viewed at your school. One must make an application to view scripts. The best of luck. Deirdre.
Q; I am very close to qualifying for my first choice, however I may be offered my 4th choice. If this happens I would prefer my 5th choice for which I have more than enough points. Can I change my preference? Anton
A: Unfortunately not. Once CAO makes you an offer all courses that lie below this offer on your CAO list become obsolete. This means that if you get your fourth offer then only courses above your 4th choice may be offered to you in future rounds. All offers that lie below your 4th choice will become obsolete. Deirdre
Q: What is the range of points required to qualify for a course? Charles
A: The points of the last person to be granted an offer on that course to the points of the highest scoring candidate who has also been offered a plavce on that same course. Deirdre
Q: My son wants to study medicine at UCD, and after todays results he has a combined score of 752 points with HPAT and Leaving Cert. Is it possible that points might skyrocket from last year and he could miss it? John
A: Grade inflation has remained steady for the last three years. I would perdict that points shouldn’t skyrocket. I would be confident that your son wil get an offer for Medicine at UCD. However, nobody can be certain until CAO releases offers and cut off points on Wednesday at 2 pm. Deirdre
Q: If I appeal my results and get higher than the points cut off, but places are already full, will I have to take a deferred seat? Maryam
A: You will be offered a deferred seat if places are full. But the choice will be yours. You can choose to stay on your original course either. But please remember that there would be a finacial cost of approx €8,000 if you were to do first year of your original course and then swap over to first year of your deferred course in Sept 2025. I hope that I have answered your question. Please get back on if needs be. Deirdre.
Q: Hi, The course my son is looking need 540 points, will CAO reduce the required points in the second round if they fill full class capacity? Please advise. Arvind
A: Points are determined by many factors such as the supply of places and the demand for courses. Points are also influenced by the points that other interested candidates present with. Course cut off points in round 2 will fall if all seats/ places on this course are not full from Round 1. The best of luck. Deirdre
Q: Can you defer your CAO offer for one year? Karen
A: You need to contact the admission office of the college in question to request a referral. Please view page 32 of the CAO handbook giving instructions on how to defer a college place.
Q: If I choose to use this years points to apply for next years CAO, would I still be eligible through SUSI to cover my tuition? Andrew
A: Please view point eleven on this link. I would advise you to contact SUSI to get clarification on this matter and advice on steps that may need to be taken to secure your grant for 2025. Deirdre
Q: Hello. My LC points turned out to be much higher than I initially expected, and as a result, I no longer wish to pursue any of the courses I originally listed. I would like to inquire if it is possible to retain my LC points from 2024 and use them to apply for better courses in 2025 using the same exam number and CAO number. Additionally, I would appreciate some clarification on whether I need to decline all offers from the first round in order to preserve my score for next year. Lastly, would my situation be considered as that of a deferred student when filling out the CAO form next year? Thank you very much for your assistance.
A: Yes you can use your points from 2024 when making a CAO application for 2025. Declining offers this year will not result in you being considered a deferred student. You should take a look at the courses that become available on ‘available places’ on the CAO. The available place’ facility will open at noon on August 29th. The best of luck. Please get back on if you need more information.
Q: I should get my preferred biology choice in Trinity based on my LC points. But I won’t get into Medicine as I got low HPAT scores. Can I move to medicine if I repeat and succeed in HPAT next year? Could you describe the steps to take please? Ciara
A: Yes, this is possible. If you repeat your LC, remember you must do 6 subjects, including all the entry requirement subjects for medicine in the repeat year. You must then apply again to sit the HPAT test and hope your score improves. It might be worth your while doing a preparatory course if you haven’t already done so, to improve your score.
Q: My son is eligible for DARE and HEAR. He is 20 points short of his first choice course in UL. What is the chance he will get the course? Will he be given priority over students who get either DARE or HEAR but not both. Sandra
A: If he has met all the entry requirements and is only 20 points short, then generally one would think his chances are quite good. In the DARE merit list for the course, priority is given to those who have qualified under HEAR and DARE, above those who have just qualified under the DARE scheme, so again this improves his chances. Brian.
Q: Can you defer your CAO offer for one year? Karen
A: You need to contact the admission office of the college in question to request a referral. Please view page 32 of the CAO handbook giving instructions on how to defer a college place.
Q: If I chose to use this years points to apply for next years CAO, would I still be eligible through SUSI to cover my tuition?
A: Please view point eleven on this link. I would advise you to contact SUSI to get clarification on this matter and advice on steps that may need to be taken to secure your grant for 2025. Susi info here.
Q: Could I retake an exam if I dont achieve my desired grades?
A: You can repeat an exam in a subject next year, however, remember that you cannot combine Leaving Certificates for points purposes. You can combine Leaving Certificates for the purpose of meeting course entry requirements but not points. Hence if you are repeating one subject you need to ask why you are doing this? Brian
Q: My daughter achieved 602 points, is she likely to get Global business at Trinity? Tom
A: Grade inflation has been at 7.5% for the last three years. I feel that points could remain similar to last years. Remain confident. I hope that you get that offer on Wednesday. Best of luck.
Q: What exactly do we see if we apply to see the exam scripts? Does this include the marking done by the examiner or just the actual written script?
A: When you are viewing the script you will see a digital image of the script which will include a report of the marks assigned to each question according to the marking scheme. You will see the annotations that the examiner applied to the students work.
Q: My daughter has been deemed eligible for a DARE offer. Do DARE offers come out next Wednesday also?
A: Yes, DARE offers will be made along with all other offers next Wednesday in round one.
Q: I want to study Medicine, but I didn’t do well in the HPAT. Can I do the HPAT again in 2025 and combine the new HPAT score with my original 2024 CAO points in order to apply for Medicine course in 2025? Jack
A: Yes. You must sit the HPAT in the year of application, (i.e. 2025) so you could reapply and sit this next year. You can use your LC scores from this year (2024) to meet the LC requirement. Brian
Q: When will the outcome of the appeals be known? Trish
A: They will be known at 11 am, Sept 27th. You can access this via CSSP. Best of luck. Deirdre
Q: My son unexpectedly got 578 points. His first choice course was for 300 points. Can he change his course this year or next year? Clare
A: Unfortunately the 1st of July was the last time he could change his courses on the CAO, no further changes are permitted after July 1st (except Vacant Place courses). He can reapply next year with a new account and use this year’s exam number / results and put down whatever courses he wishes. Brian
Q: If I wish to retain my 2024 CAO points for reapplication in 2025, could you please advise on the correct process for declining the offers that I would receive next week? Should I respond directly to the CAO or the specific college to decline the offer, or will the offer be automatically canceled if I do not take any action? Harry
A: There is no need to do anything. The offer will lapse if nothing is done by the closing date.
Q: Hi, my daughter did very well and should be offered her 2nd choice on her CAO which she is delighted with. She would like to have one paper rechecked though. If her grade goes up in that paper she would be eligible for her 1st choice on her CAO. Does she then have to take the offer or can she stick with her 2nd choice? Mary
A: She can take up this late offer. Results from appeals are due out September 27th.She can choose to defer a late offer. The choice will be hers. Hope that I have answered your question. Best of luck. Deirdre.
Q: If I am successful in getting my college place deferred until 2025 and do a PLC in the hope of getting my first choice, can I apply also for another course through the PLC system? Mary
A: The end of the question was clipped so not sure of exact question but just to remind you that if you defer a college place then to take up that defered place the following year you must apply throught the CAO again and only put down that one course to take it up. If you put down any other course on the CAO form you loose your deferred place and are in open competition again. Brian
Q: My child received results but wants to defer and apply to Harvard or Cambridge next year instead. Do many Irish students with leaving cert results manage to apply to top global universities successfully, or should she take up her place in Trinity this year as originally planned? MumiG
A: I would suggest that she follows her gut. Would she look at starting in Trinity now and moving to Harvard or Cambridge if successful? Deferring is also an option. Deirdre
Q: My son recieved 85 points in his portfolio test and 75 points in his suitability test and has acheived 477 points in the Leaving certificate. Is Architecture in TUD likely to be offerred? Paolo
A: Architecture in TUD has had a cut off of 645/644 for the past 3 years so your son’s combined score of 637 might be a little short for an offer based on previous points. Brian
Q: If my grade changes on appeal, how will this affect my CAO offers? Carol
A: CAO will make you an offer in late September (providing that there is an available place on the course of choice). The candidate can choose to remain on their course, move to this new offer or defer the offer for entry in Sept 2025. The decision is up to the candidate. The best of luck. Deirdre.
Q: Hello. My LC points turned out to be much higher than I initially expected, and as a result, I no longer wish to pursue any of the courses I originally listed. I would like to inquire if it is possible to retain my LC points from 2024 and use them to apply for better courses in 2025 using the same exam number and CAO number. Additionally, I would appreciate some clarification on whether I need to decline all offers from the first round in order to preserve my score for next year. Lastly, would my situation be considered as that of a deferred student when filling out the CAO form next year? Thank you very much for your assistance. Harry
A: Yes you can use your points from 2024 when making a CAO application for 2025. Declining offers this year will not result in you being considered a deferred student. You should take a look at the courses that become available on ‘available places’ on the CAO. The available places’ facility will open at noon on August 29th. The best of luck. Please get back on if you need more information. Deirdre.
Q: I should get my preferred biology choice in Trinity based on my LC points. But I won’t get into Medicine as I got low HPAT scores. Can I move to medicine if I repeat and succeed in HPAT next year? Could you describe the steps to take please? Ciara
A: Yes, this is possible. If you repeat your LC, remember you must do 6 subjects, including all the entry requirement subjects for medicine in the repeat year. You must then apply again to sit the HPAT test and hope your score improves. It might be worth your while doing a preparatory course if you haven’t already done so, to improve your score. Brian
Q: My son is eligible for DARE and HEAR. He is 20 points short of his first choice course in UL. What is the chance he will get the course? Will he be given priority over students who get either DARE or HARE but not both. Sandra
A: If he has met all the entry requirements and is only 20 points short, then generally one would think his chances are quite good. In the DARE merit list for the course, priority is given to those who have qualified under HEAR and DARE, above those who have just qualified under the DARE scheme, so again this improves his chances. Brian.
Q: l am 5 points short of the 2023 points threshold for my 1st choice course. If I am offered and accept a place on one of my lower choice courses, can I reapply to the 2025 CAO using my 2024 LC in the hope that points for my preferred course may reduce (Per a recent report, The minister announced plans to increase the number of places in my preferred course (speech & language therapy) in 2025. Elaine
A: I suggest that you hold off until Wednesday. CAO points 2024 will bbe released at 2 pm on Wednesday. This information will allow you to make a more informed decision. If you don’t get accepted you can reapply to CAO in 2025. Be careful though as there is a finacial cost of approx €8,000 if you do first year twice. Please get in contact with us here. We are happy to advise. Best of luck. Deirdre
Q: l am 5 points short of the 2023 points threshold for my 1st choice course. If I am offered and accept a place on one of my lower choice courses, can I reapply to the 2025 CAO using my 2024 LC in the hope that points for my preferred course may reduce (Per a recent report, the minister announced plans to increase the number of places in my preferred course (speech & language therapy) in 2025. Elaine
A: I suggest that you hold off until Wednesday. CAO points 2024 will be released at 2 pm on Wednesday. This information will allow you to make a more informed decision. If you don’t get accepted you can reapply to CAO in 2025. Be careful though as there is a financial cost of approx €8,000 if you do first year twice. Please get in contact with us here. We are happy to advise. Best of luck. Deirdre
Q: Hi, the CAO minimum for Commerce International at UCD (DN 660) was 544 in 2023 and I got 543 today. Do you think I’m likely to get an offer for it in round 2 or round 3? Mark
A: It is really hard to call this. It has been 544 for the last 2 years and 555 in 2021 and 517 in 2020, so a mixed bag of cut off points. I would like to think you are in with a good shot at it but it is difficult if it will drop by that single point. It might be worth your while looking at the Open Learning programme in UCD. This could provide you with another route into Commerce. Have a look at this link. Brian
Q: Is 325 too low for college? Am I better off doing a PLC? John
A: I would say no, 325 is not too low for college. However, it all depends on your motivation. You could go to a level 6, 7 or 8 programme with these points and do very well if you work hard and graduate with a great qualification. These programmes, especially the level 8 degrees are quite academic and would need quite a lot of study. A PLC course is not as academic as a CAO course. It is a little more hands on and could eventually lead on to a course in Higher Education. If it was a major struggle to get your 325 points then it might be an indicator that the more practical orientation in the PLC course might suit better. Otherwise, 325 could get you into some very good Higher Ed. programmes. Brian
Q: Which scripts are available on line and which are not? Specifically are classical studies, history, biology, English and maths online? Marcus
A: Classical Studies, History, Biology, English and Maths were all marked online and hence scripts will be viewed online. Brian
Q: Hello, if I decline my 6th choice and want my eighth and I have enough points for both can I just take my eighth choice? Cormac
A: Unfortunately not. If you are offered your 6th choice, then whether you accept this place or not, everything below this will disappear from your CAO listing, including your 8th preference. So you can always move up your list of preferences but never down. Brian
Q: If I do a FETQQI course aimed at a specific university for next year, can I also add other courses to be based on this years LC results? Rosemary?
A: Yes you can. PLC courses offer great opprotunities for work experience. This will help you when choosing CAO courses fro next year. Best of luck.
Q: Hello I have already qualified for DARE but I am wondering if there is a number of places allocated to DARE students is it organised by severity of disability how do they distinguish between DARE candidates? Do they pick the person with the most severe disability? Catherine
A: DARE has agreed to prioritise students with sensory or physical disabilities e.g.visual impairment, deaf/hard of hearing
Q: Hi there. My son did a first draft of CAO and applied only level 8 courses of 380 plus points. We forgot do change of mind and did not fill in any level 7 courses. He got 358 points today. The good news is he commences the aer lingus aircraft maintenance engineer apprenticeship in Shannon soon and he did very well getting one of the 24 places on offer for that. However if he does not like the apprenticeship and decides to go to full time college can he next year submit a new cao form using this years lc results and choose different list of courses? Deirdre B.
A: Congratulations on a great apprenticeship opportunity. Yes, he can make a CAO application for 2025 using points obtained from Leaving Cert in 2024. Best of luck.
Q: I have applied for 10 courses but my CAO points shows eligibility only for the 9th and the 10th course in the list. What other options are available to get a NFQ level 8 course? Dharshini
A: There may be some level 8 courses in the vacant places facility of the CAO. These go live on 29th August at noon. You can add these to your CAO account listing if you are interested in any of them. You could also look at the private independent colleges who have level 8 programmes that are direct entry. If you are happy to do a PLC first as part of the level 8 programme you could look at the National Tertiary Office courses. Have a look at the nto website. Brian
Q: Hello, if I receive my second choice course offer on Wednesday and decide to appeal one subject hoping for an upgrade to qualify for my first choice but am downgraded to below my second choice points – am I correct that the offer I received will be cancelled? Anne
A: Technically, it could be withdrawn from you but it is unlikely that this would happen. I’ve never heard of a place being taken off an applicant. The best way to approach this is to view the script first and if it is near the lower grade then don’t appeal. If it is near the higher grade then go ahead and appeal. Brian
Q: If an appeal gives me enough points for my 1st choice course but it’s full and I am offered a place for 2025, can I still start the course I was offered for 2024 and decide later if I want the deferred place?
A: You can start with your first offer. You will be charged tuition fees of approx €8,000 by doing first year again if you were to change courses in 2025. You would also have to make a CAO application for 2025. Deirdre
Q: Can a place at UCD be deferred for a year while doing a PLC course? Rosemary
A: Yes. You must look for an appeal by contacting the admissions college. You will need to make a CAO application in 2025. Please read pg 32 on this link. Deirdre.
Q: If I am offered my no. 2 choice on CAO but wish to accept another course further down my list of choices and I have enough points for it what should I do? Meg
A: If you are offered your 2nd choice preference on your CAO, then everthing below this disappears from your CAO listing. So you can never move down. If you accept your 2nd preference (or not) you will remain in the running for your 1st preference and will be offered it if you become entitled to it. So in essence, you can move up but you can never move down. Brian
Q: How many points would DARE reduce for medicine? I’m on 699 and have DARE approval. Please advise. Dan
A: The number of reduced points will depend on the number of places on the course, the number of reserved DARE places and the points of other DARE eligible applicants. This varies from courses to course. Here is a link to DARE places in Trinity and Galway.
Q: I am DARE approved and put my 1st option 3 in line, when will I know if got it?
A: You will get an offer on Wednesday at 2 pm. It will not say DARE. A DARE offer is when you get an offer for the course but you did not get the required points. This means that you received a DARE place on this course.
Q: What is the lilely point increase for Humanities in DCU and Maynooth, UCD etc
A: Grades have been inflated by 7.5% for the last three years, I am hoping that we won’t see much fluctation on points for courses that can accommodate a large volume of students. CAO offers and cut-off points will be known at 2pm next Wednesday. Best wishes from all in here. Deirdre
Q: I have DARE approval and got approx 334, will I qualify for Business or Marketing courses in MTU Cork? Oisin
A: From looking at the MTU procedure it looks like you have a good chance of being made an offer. It states: MTU will consider applicants up to 50 points below the CAO cut-off points for the relevant programme. For a Level 8 programmes the applicant must achieve a minimum of 200 CAO points. It will ultimately depend on the number of DARE qualified applicants for these courses and their points. Brian
Q: What percentage of appeals are successful? Anne
A: In 2023, approx 23% received a succesful appeal and received an upgraded result.
Q: Is it likely that arts at Maynooth will increase in points significantly? Yusra
A: I would hope to see the points remain similiar to 2023. This course has the ability to accommodate a large number of students. Best of luck. We are here again in Wednesday. Get back on if you need more help. Deirdre
Q: My daughter sat the IB this year and got a score of 41. She also sat the HPAT and got results that put her in the 98th percentile. Converting these results to points indicates that her score is 745 – our concern is now that she will be at a disadvantage because she did not do the Irish leaving cert and I will not have had her grades inflated like other students despite applying as an Irish student. She ought in principle to have enough points to get her first choices – medicine – since her points are higher than the points requirements over the past few years – but she might miss out because of the Irish points inflation. Do you have any idea if there is any recourse regarding her results given the unusual circumstances of this years’ awarding of inflated points to Irish students? Cáit
A: The results in Ireland have been inflated to the same extent for the past 3 years at approximately 7.5%. So the cut off points you see for the last 3 years for courses has taken these inflated grades into account. With a points score of 745 it is highly likely that your daughter will be offered a place given Medicine was 733*, 738*, 735* in some of the Dublin universities last year, with the same inflated grades.
Q: If I accept a course and also apply for a recheck of a script and the result is downgraded, can the offer of the course I accepted be withdrawn? Aisling.
A: In theory yes. If you are no longer entitled to the place you accepted it could be withdrawn, however this is unlikely to happen. To prevent this scenario from occuring it is a good idea to view your script first. If you are borderline dropping to a lower grade then maybe it is best not to appeal. If you are borderline going up to the next higher grade then it would be a good idea to appeal. Brian
Q: Is 143 points bad? Keanna
A: There are lots of opportunities out there. CAO is one but not the only one. I recommend that you explore the PLC or the apprenticeship route. Visit these sites for information on apprenticeships ans PLC courses. Deirdre
Q: When do the points change for courses and if I’m one point off the course points am I still eligible?
A: Points may change in round 1, 2 and 3. Points can go up or down depending on the demand for the course and the supply of places. I hope that I have answered your question. 2024 points in round on ewill be known at 2 pm, Wednesday August 28th.
Q: Hi, I have 699 points altogether including HPAT. I have DARE. Would I get into Medicine this year?
A: It is really hard to know really. In TCD there are 9 DARE places in Medicine. Competition for these places will be high. It all depends on the number of DARE qualified applicants for these places and the points that they got. In UCD there are 5 places and the lowest points that places were offered over the 2021-23 period was 721. It is a waiting game I’m afraid. Brian
Q: How likely is it that BESS in Trinity will increase on last years points with the artificial boost to grades again this year? John
A: This will depend on the demand for this course. The points achieved by interested candidates will also influence the 2024 points. Nobody will know 2024 points until Wednesday, Aug 28th at 2 pm. Deirdre
Q: If you accept your second choice in the first round of CAO offers but then are offered your first choice in the 2nd round of offers, are you able to accept your first choice now or no?
A: Yes, regardless of whether you accept a round one offer of a place or not, you will still remain in the running for a higher preference offer in the next rounds if you become entitled to one. So accepting something in round one does not mean it is all over. Brian
Q: What’s the appeal process like? Can we look at the exams before deciding to appeal? Celina
A: It is possible to appeal. I would advise you to view your script first. Candidates can view their marks for each subject and component on Tuesday August 27th. Application for viewing of scripts must be in by Wednesday August 28th by 8 pm. There is no charge for viewing of scripts. Deirdre
Q: I am accepted as a HEAR applicant. I got 325 points. Is that likely to be enough for law or law and business in TCD? Lisa
A: This looks unlikely unfortunately. In TCD they refer to a reduction of points in the order of 10 to 15% for places on courses. Given Law was 566 last year it is unlikely 325 would be sufficient.
Q: Do we get physical copies of our results anymore or is it only online? Nick
A: You can print out a physical copy of your provisional results from the online Student Portal today. Your final results are generally sent to your school in hard copy format but that won’t be for a long time after the whole process is finished. Brian
Q: When can I view my script to appeal? Tara
A: The application to view scripts opens at 5pm on Tuesday 27th August through the Student Self Service Portal. Brian
Q: Will it be clear on Monday if the points for certain courses have gone up? Kathy
A: We won’t know for sure what will happen to the points of courses until Wednesday 28th when first round offers are published at 2pm. Brian
Q: Hi, If I didn’t receive enough points for my number 1 course but I am eligible for HEAR but I also got 2 less points than I need to be considered for HEAR, is there still a chance I can get HEAR? Elizabeth
A: You must meet the minimum HEAR requirements in order to be considered for HEAR places. Please see the link and look at question 12 here.
Q: Can my daughter get offered a level 8 and a level 7 course? Anita
A: Yes. She can only accept one of the offers. The best of luck. Deirdre
Q: Can I apply for a course that I did not put on my CAO after receiving my Leaving Cert results? Sharon
A: The only courses that can be added to your CAO application at this stage are courses that appear on the Vacant Place list on the CAO website. This list will go live on the 29th August at noon. Brian
Q: My daughter has qualified for the DARE scheme . Can you tell me what this means for her as she didn’t receive the points for the courses she has applied do on her CAO. Avril
A: The majority of Higher Education colleges participate in DARE. Many reserve a number of course places for DARE applicants. All DARE applicants then compete for the reserved places. Please click on link for more information on DARE here. Deirdre
Q: My daughter is short 16 points for her course, just wondering are the points going to go down this year? Sharon
A: Points are determined by supply and demand for the course and course places. A change in either factors affects points. Unfortunately, I have no way of accessing this information. CAO will release 2024 points at 2 pm next Wednesday. I hope that things work out. Deirdre
Q: Can I still apply for higher education? Abdul
A: With the CAO applications are closed now. However, there is a facility where left over places on courses will be filled called Vacant Places. If you see a course in the vacant place list that you would like to apply for you can make an application for it. Vacant place courses are the only courses you can apply for at this stage. The Vacant Place facility opens on 29th August at 12 noon. Brian
Q: My daughter is hoping to do veterinary science in ucd. She attained 590 points. Do you think this will be enough for her to gain a place. She is probably going to have 2 subjects rechecked. Niamh
A: The cut off points for last year in Veterinary Medicine were 589 so I think she stands a good chance of being offered a place. Unfortunately it is a waiting game until next Wednesday to know for sure. It is a good idea to get the rechecks if you think there is any chance of an upgrade. Brian
Q: What happens if you appeal a subject which ends up increasing your grades that would meet the requirements for a course but the course is already full. Aoife
A: If the course is full and the college in question cannot offer you a place then they must offer you a deferred place for the following year.
Q: If I appeal a subject and it upgrades my results and gives me the required points for my course will I still be allowed enter that course. The estimated date for appeal results is the end of September whereas college courses start early September. Aaron
A: You will be offered this course when and if you meet the points and minimum requirements. You can choose to accept and start this course in late September. You could also defer your place and start in early Sept 2025. The choice will be yours. Best of luck. Deirdre
Q: Can I ask for my paper to be recorrected, and where I can ask? Janet
A: You can ask for an appeal of your grade in your subjects. This is done through your Student Self Service Portal. Applications for appeals open on Sunday 1st at 10am and closes on Monday 2nd at 5pm. You can also apply to view your paper first if you wish, this opens on Tuesday 27th at 5pm. Brian
Q: Do I have enough points to submit UCC Arts (CK101) I got 409 in the Leaving Cert.
A: I am confident that you will receive an offer for CK101 in round one on Wednesday. The final round points in 2023 for this course was 300. It is unlikely that this course will increase by 100 points. The best of luck. Round 1 cut off points 2024 will be released on Wednesday August 25th at 2pm. Deirdre
Q: My daughter has applied for DN430 in UCD where the points range 2024 was 484-602. Will 508 be sufficient to gain access this year? Orla
A: The cut off points for this course last year in 2023 entry was 484. With 508 points it is very likely that your daughter will be eligible for an offer of a place on this course. Brian
Q: There is an asterisk next to one of my results in home ec what does this mean? Piotr
A: I would advise you to contact your school. The asterisk indicates that you were absent on exam day of one component. Please click on this link for more details. Deirdre
Q: Hi, when can students view their exam scripts to assess same before deciding on an exam appeal? Dan
A: The application to view scripts opens at 5pm on Tuesday 27th August through the Student Self Service Portal. Brian
Q: Three of the scores are crazy off. If my son wins the appeal, what is the process if he’s already in another course? Tara
A: Very briefly, if your son appeals and3 of the scores are crazy off. If my son wins the appeal, what is the process if he’s already in another course? gets some upgrades then essentially his new points score is backdated to round one offers day and the question is asked what would she have been entitled to with the increased points. If that course can offer a place to start at that time it will be offered in the final round, regardless of whether he has accepted and started another course. Brian
Q: I got 349 points in my leaving cert but needed 350 to get into my course, though the points are changing I just want to be sure, How would I be able to get 1 point.
A: Your points will only change if you appeal and your appeal is successful. Please look at other pathwyas into this course. Points may fall but nobocy will know until next Wednesday when CAO publish the points for 2024. I wish you the best of luck. Deirdre.
Q: What time does the leaving cert results online close at?
A: My understanding is it doesn’t close, it remains open for you to log in.
Q: My daughter is just 2 points short off her first choice , what is her best option here?
A: This course may or may not come down in round 2. In the meantime you could look at the possibility of doing a PLC that gives one the opportunity to enter into the course of your first choice. Doing a PLC would allow your daughter gain work experience and get a general feel of subjects/ modules within that particular area. This would ensure that she likes the subject area before entering into a four year programme.
Q: Is there anything that can be done with 310 points or is it best to repeat? Sam
A: Yes. You have many options. Colleges of Further Education are a great place to start learning in your area of interest. You can use the grades you receive on this course to apply to college in 2025. You apply directly to a college of further education. They offer a variety of different courses and many offer you the opportunity to gain work experience as part of the course. PLC students are also eligible for SUSI grant. Apprenticeships have also become very popular. Tertiary degrees, the number of tertiary programmes have also expanded. Please look at the following link. Please get back on if you would like more information.
Q: Does the CAO points calculator include additional points you receive for sitting you LC as Gaeilge and bonus points for Higher Maths? Michelle
A: Yes. The grade you get in Irish takes into account you sat the LC through Irish and the CAO will work with this grade. In relation to Maths, if you get over 40% in Higher Level Maths (H6 or above) and maths is in your top 6 subjects then the CAO will award the 25 bonus points.
Q: Do you think 577 points will be enough for TR035 course? Is there any risk the points can go up to 2021-2022 levels which is 590-593? Anne.
A: This course was 554 pts in final round last year. I would be confident that your 577 points will secure you entry given that you meet subject requirement etc. However, I cannot be certain until Wednesday 25th when CAO release offers for 2024. Deirdre
Q: If a course requires specific subjects for entry, do you have to count them for points or just meet the requirements? Mum
A: The CAO firstly checks to see if an applicant meets the course entry requirements. If the applicant meets the requirements, then the computer will calculate the applicant’s points from their 6 best subjects. These don’t necessarily have to be the subjects that met the entry requirements. Brian
Q: My Daughter is eligible for the DARE scheme. She got 521 points vs. 541 points in 2023 for her first choice course in Trinity. Are the allocated DARE spaces on any given course allocated based on the next highest points of the DARE eligible applicants? Barry.
A: Yes. DARE applicants are competing against other DARE applicants for the qouta of DARE places. Please view this link regarding Trinity and DARE allocation.
Q: Sat the Leaving Cert in 2022 and achieved 555 points. Have reapplied to CAO this year in order to change course. Will my points be adjusted by 7.5% (on average). Brendan
A: No. I am afraid not. Deirdre
Q: If I receive and accept an offer in Round 1 and get a higher preference offer in Round 2 in a different college can I accept it instead of Round 1? Liz
A: Yes and this can be done in any furtehr rounds. Best of luck. Deirdre
Q: I did better than expected and I regret not putting another course as my top choice. Is there anything I can do now to change my first choice? Claire
A: The CAO’s Available Places are vacanies on courses for which there were insufficient applicants before Round 1 offers. Available Places will be published on the CAO’s website. The facility opens at noon on August 29th and you can apply for a course free of charge. You could also look at Further Education (PLC) and choose one that has potential for you to enter into year one of your first choice course next year. Please do get back on if you need more support. Glad to help. Deirdre
Q: When and how can I get my exact exam result score per subject?
A: Exact exam results will be made avaialble to you through your self portal on Tuesday 27th August at 12 noon.
Q: If I didn’t get enough points for my number one course can my HEAR application still help me get it because i was told by the CAO that I am eligible. Elizabeth
A: If you have qualified for HEAR then that will be factored into each of your course choices and a determination will be made on your elligibility for those courses. Each college has its own procedures for dealing with HEAR applications. If you are deemed eligible for your first preference you will be offered this course. Remember the points required for a course by a HEAR elligible candidate are often less than the normal cut off points for a course.
Q: When are the appeal results out? Is it on one day? Norma
A: Friday, September 27th at 11 am.
Q: Two subjects said I was absent for components but I attended. Kian
A: Please contact the State Examinations Commission on 0906 442700. Deirdre
Q: If I am offered my 2nd preference but decline it because I no longer want to study that course, could I be offered my 1st preference in Round 2 – will I receive anything because I don’t accept in Round 1?
A: Yes you could be offered your first choice in Round 2 regardless of what you do with today’s offer. You will receive an offer in Round 2 if you meet the points and course requirements for your first choice. Best of luck.
Q: What happens to the leaving cert student in 2025? Will they get bumper grades? Tiffany.
A: Grade inflation is likely to be in the region of 5.5 per cent for the class of 2025. The grade inflation given this year was 7.5 per cent. Deirdre
Q: If I fail 2 subjects in the leaving cert (and I am not interested in college) do I have to rsit all the exams to pass Leaving Certificate? Caroline
A: No you did not fail the Leaving Certificate. You only need to pass six/five subjects for college matriculation requirements and course specific requirements. Best of look on your new journey. Please get back on if you would like more support. Deirdre
Q: I’m looking at studying at University in Ireland next year. Currently I reside in Perth Australia. How should I apply and go about looking at my options? Ruairi
A: A non EU student should contact the admissions office of the college of interest. They will advise you on whether you should apply directly to them or via the CAO. EU students apply directly to the CAO system. Please see the link to useful resources where you can look up colleges and courses.
Q: How does UCAS know if I’ve met the grades to meet my conditional offer? Do I need to phone admissions of the relevant university to let them know as an ROI applicant? Dara.
A: The State Exams Commission sent a copy of the LC results to UCAS. The British colleges can then get the results for applicants from UCAS. There is nothing stopping you from emailing admissions in the college you are hoping to enter and giving them your grades but it is not necessary. Brian
Q: I sat A levels and got A*AA. These grades would be considered excellent, and I am not aware of any course which would require higher grades in the UK. Grades in the North went down significantly this year as there was a return to 2019 grade thresholds. On the UCD website, grades for courses are given but when I emailed them, they said that places would be allocated on the basis of points. Do you know which system will be used (grades or converted points) and whether there will be any recognition of the reduction in grades in the North? I am a “*”/4 points short of the grade asked for the Economics and Finance course. I also have an accepted DARE application. Diarmuid
A: Information relating to UK grades and resulting points can be found at this location In relation to recognition of the reduction in grades in NI, I am not sure, it would be best to speak to admissions in UCD. Brian
